A first edition of EURODOC CARIBBEAN "Produce with archives" took place in December 2022 in Martinique, thanks to the support of the Interreg CINUCA Project: the Association for the Promotion of Cinema in the Antilles and Guyana (APCAG, Guadeloupe), EPCC Tropiques Atrium Scène Nationale (Martinique), the Association Guyane-Cinéma Audiovisuel et Multimedia (G-CAM, French Guyana), the production company Lee Productions Inc. (Saint Lucia) and the production company Hamafilms (Antigua & Barbuda).
The second edition, took place in the Dominican Republic in early December 2023 in partnership with DG Ciné (Direccion General de Cine de Republica Dominicana) and APCAG (the Association for the Promotion of Cinema in the Antilles and Guyana).
In 2024, an intensive 3-days online program for professionals based in Guadeloupe was organized.
A new in-person edition will be held in December 2025 in French Guiana. More information coming soon.
In 2023, 75% of participants graded their satisfaction to 5/5 and 25% to 4/5. 95% of participants showed interest in applying to the EURODOC annual training or another short program following this workshop.