Program Benefits
Being a EURODOC alumni gives you access to promotion means, social events and/or discounted or free accreditations at IDFA, Cannes Docs (Marché du Film at Cannes film Festival), CPH:DOX, Sheffield Doc/Fest, Visions du Réel, Cinéma du Réel, Jih.lava Film Festival, Major Docs, Al Jazeera Industry Days, amongst many others.
Each year, up to 20 films, previously developed within the framework of EURODOC are completed, co-produced, selected and awarded in the most prestigious film festivals in the world. More than 25 projects developed through the training are selected and pitched in various film markets.
Check the list of the films completed here!

Career benefits
+97% of alumni feel that the training had a positive impact on the development of their skills, on their careers and has significanly improved their professional network;
More than 60% of alumni have developed more than 5 documentaries after participating in EURODOC;
82% of the alumni have coproduced with 2 to 5 countries after participating in EURODOC
Approx 450 partnerships set, between participants’ production companies in 69 countries worldwide, considered as a direct result of EURODOC.
Film benefits
Since 1999, more than 320 films developed within the framework of EURODOC have been released;
80% of projects are produced after the training;
60% are coproduced
50% of completed films have a theatre realease
More than 50% have been selected and 30% awarded in high-profile festivals.
Feedback from EURODOC
“A deeper understanding of how the international market operates - new friends allover the world - good basis for a coproduction! New valuable contacts among decision makers.”
“I had a wonderful week, thanks to the group work and Jean-Laurent’s advice. We were really close-knit, and I really liked the spirit of sharing and support in our group.”
"EURODOC helped me a lot in terms of efficiency, learning and relationships, I benefited a lot and met many like-minded producers.”
“Project made a huge leap forward, could not have been possible without EURODOC.”
“All experts I met were great. It was the most genuine and supportive meetings I had in any market. They were not only interested in the project but in me as a producer and this created more confidence for me.”