Most common questions.
What are the EURODOC participants’ obligations?

Selected participants signed and agreed with our Terms and Conditions and is aware of all his.her obligations and responsabilities. Each participant commits to the utmost confidentiality concerning the information brought to their knowledge concerning the projects of the other participants. EURODOC provides a context for sharing, learning and debate, whilst simultaneously encouraging respect, inclusion and empathy. Participants commit to respect all prevailing laws and the rights of others. Please refer to 5.3 of our Terms and Conditions.

Can I be an emerging producer and apply to EURODOC?

Any producer with several years of practice, who has already produced at least two feature-length documentary films who are ready to embark on a new stage in their career (i.e. you have recently created their production company) can apply. Producers do not apply only to accelerate a specific documentary project, but also as individuals seeking professional growth and a significant expansion of their network.

Can I come to EURODOC without a film project?

We hold space for one producer without a specific project in each group each year. You may not be ready to participate with a project which is at the right stage of development, but you wish to reach a new scale in your career.

Can I come with my director?

EURODOC focussed on producers: only one person per project, (i.e. the applicant, the main producer of the project) is invited to follow the training in case of selection. In the first session (only), directors may participate, online only, in the one-to-one meetings and attend the moment their project is discussed within the group work.

How do you select projects?

The selection committee is composed of 6 members, all professionals of the documentary sector. The group leaders are part of the selection process and each year. Half ot the selection committee members are guests specially invited to take part of the selection (names are publicly announced each year). Each submission is read and rated at least by 3 committee members. A balance between the different European countries, parity and overall a diversity of profiles, seniority and artistic projects, is privileged within the final selection. A special attention is paid to the story, protagonists, and visual approach; the International potential of the project; the profile of the applicant and their professional trajectory as well as the applicant’s motivation to attend the full training and to engage in group work and applicants belonging to, or projects directed by talents from underrepresented groups (including women, BIPOC, Indigenous/Native, MENA/SWENA & diasporas, LGBTQIA+…).

What’s the selection ratio if I apply?

We receive each year around 150 submissions for the annual training call. Up to 40 participants are selected. The ratio is 1 per 3.

How many projects and observers will you take?

Up to 40 participants are selected each year: 80% are project holders (producers); 20% are professionals in the documentary industry (“Observers”).

How many times can I apply to EURODOC?

You may re-apply the year after if you are not selected, preferably with a new project. In some instances, the selection committee may explicitly invite a project to resubmit the year after. You can attend EURODOC international annual program only once.
You can enroll in a Local or on-demand Workshop several times if you are geographically eligible, and then apply in the International Program the following years.

What language do you speak in the EURODOC workshops?

English is the main language of our sessions. French is spoken in the French-speaking group during group work only, and some OTOs if asked. Spanish is spoken in the Spanish-speaking group during group work only, and some OTOs if asked.

When do you announce the result?

For the annual training, the results are announced via email in december. As for the on-demand and local workshops, the results are announced 6 to 8 weeks before the start of the workshop.

Is EURODOC only for European producers?

Producers coming from all over the world who have an ambitious creative documentary project at the development stage can apply.
The selection must include 70% of European citizens (or citizens from member countries of the Creative Europe Program, not necessarily leaving in Europe), this means the selection includes each year 30% of non-European citizens.

What are the Countries of the Creative Europe Program?

The 27 European Union member countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden) and countries participating in the Creative MEDIA Programme (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Tunisia, Ukraine).

What special documents will I need for application?

Find the full list of the elements to include in your application in How to apply?

What scholarships can be offered?

EURODOC allocates scholarships to 30% of the total number of participants each year, covering a part or the full cost of either the tuition fees and/or accommodation expenses, depending on each personal situation.
EURODOC is also pleased to offer scholarships dedicated to specific participants thanks to its EURODOC25 partners.

Please follow this link for more details and eligibility.

Are all your trainings accessible to people with disabilities?

All EURODOC sessions are organized in places with access for people with reduced mobility. For all other disabilities, the EURODOC team is available to adapt the training according to the special needs of each participant, whether physical, sensory, behavioral and/or emotional.

Does EURODOC offer an official certificate?

EURODOC is Qualiopi-certified and provides each participant with a certificate at the end of each training. However, any EURODOC trainings do lead to a State diploma and therefore cannot be covered by the CPF for French participants (AFDAS or FRANCE TRAVAIL may cover the costs of your training).

Where can I see the list of EURODOC alumni and contact them?

You can check the list of EURODOC alumni here. The EURODOC Team will be glad to facilitate contacts with members of our network.
Please don't hesitate to contact us!