Giacomo is an eighteen years old deaf boy. In a small village in Northeast Italy, where the plain precedes the sea, Giacomo has just taken his high school diploma and he attends the event which will change his life: an operation that shall enable him to discover a new world he only knew in a truncated way. Learning to recognize and how to accept the new sounding world, Giacomo will live his own and unique coming of age the time of one year.
2012 ACID (France) - Séance spéciale
2012 Images en bibliothèques (France) - Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques
2012 Magritte du cinéma (Belgium) - Nomination Meilleur Documentaire
2011 Festival dei Popoli (Italy) - Special Mention
2011 Festival internazionale del film Locarno (Switzerland) - Léopard d'Or, Cinéastes du présent
2011 EntreVues, Festival du film de Belfort (France) - Grand Prix & Prix Documentaire sur Grand Écran