In the General cemetery of Santiago, Chile, the gravediggers have learnt to cohabit peacefully alongside death. Yet, under the soil, many “NN” still lie secretly – the unidentified corpses of victims of Pinochet’s repressive regime. Lelo, Perejil and Rogelio were obliged by the Junta to secretly bury hundreds of desaparecidos. For forty years, their painful memories remained untold, but as they reach their twilight years, they have chosen to share their stories with Sergio, the youngest gravedigger.
2017 États généraux du film documentaire (France) - Expériences du regard
2017 Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse (France)
2017 FIFF, Festival International de Films de Femmes (France)
2017 DOC-Cévennes, Festival International du Documentaire en Cévennes (France)
2016 IDFA, International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (Pays-Bas)