At the far end of Alaska a dream comes true for the widely travelled filmmaker Roman Droux. He dives into the world of the mythical animal that fascinated him since his childhood and accompanied him to sleep. The famous bear researcher David Bittner takes him to the land of bears. To perhaps the last wilderness in North America. A coastal mountain range surrounded by endless, deserted beaches. A world where the grizzly bears are in charge and no trace of human civilization can be found.
Here the two adventurers set out in search of a male bear and a young female bear, with whom David Bittner has established a close relationship: his friend Balu and his great love Luna.
The first arctic rays of sunshine in summer bring the bears to life. They come down from their caves to the lush coastal meadows to search for salmon in the crystal clear torrents and on the beaches. Soon the two men are surrounded by countless wildlife, right in the middle of the bear world. They experience the caring of a starving mother bear who tries to get her young through. Experience the bloody battles of giant male bears and the tragedy of the defenseless bear children's struggle to survive. The fable world turns out to be a momentum of beauty and danger.
Roman Droux brings images of unique closeness and emotion to the big screen. A lively nature film for the whole family, far from superficial attempts at explanation, but which raises questions. It shows that we can never fully explain the magic of nature, but that we can experience it first hand.
Journées de Soleure 2020 (Switzerland) - New York International Film Awards (Best Soundtrack)